Exam Department FAQ
How could I submit exam form?
i)Came with exam forms and submit in office
ii)Courier it.
iii)Click a picture of form and send it on RM’s Whatsapp no.
After submit the exam forms when I get the Exam papers?
45 to 60 days.
When does the session start and when its end?
You can start submitting your Exam form from September and it will end march as shown in Rate chart.
Exam will start from January and ends in June or July.
What will I get in Exam Paper?
Admit card 2)Registration Certificate 3)Allocation Chart 4)Signature Sheet(Practical + Theory) 5)Data Correction Sheet 6)Art Sheet+Theory paper 7)Record Book
After getting exam paper how could I conduct my Institute exam?
After getting exam paper you’re requested to inform at our helpline no(7890202464) that you want an examiner so he/she will conduct with examiner dept. and send you examiner details on your whatsapp number.
Then you have to call examiner and fix the exam date.
After examination when I get the result?
45-60 days from exam document subsubmission date.
When O have to take theory exam?
You have take the theory exam by your own.And you have to take it before the day of practical examination.
What is the calculation of getting medal?
You will get the medal in 6.1 format.
Example->If you submit 60 forms you will get 10 medals.
What is the procedure of being a Examines?
Appliaction ii)CV(Biodata) iii)ID Proff iv)Copy of last cultural qualification(Min 5th year ) v)Copy of last academic qualification.
Send it to->surobharatisangeetkalakendra@gmail.com
Talent Search FAQ
What is Talent Search Examination?
This is basically a competition conducted by the centre under Suro Bharati Sangeet Kala Kendra.
Who can participate in this examination?
Apart from the centres own students ,the outside students can also participate in this examination.
What is the age limit of this examination?
For this examination, minimum age should be 4 years.There is no upper age limit for this examination.
How many groups are there in this examination?
There are five group in this examination according to age.
i)Group A – 4 to 7 years
ii)Group B – 8 to 11 years
iii)Group C – 12 to 15 years
iv)Group D – 16 to 19 years
v)Group E – 20 years and above
What are the subjects in this examination?
The subjects are: Painting,Dance,Music,Recitation,Instrumental Music and Yogasana.
How can forms be collected?
It can be collected in two ways
i)By visiting the office
ii)Sending the forms be speed post or courier
How many students should be required for this examinations?
Minimum 15 students should be required for this examination.
Who will get certificate of merit?
Successful candidates, who are getting at least 30% or above, will get certificate of merit.
What are the facilities of this examination?
Followings are the facilities of this examination.
i)By participating in this examination,the students will be able to take part in an All-India competition.
ii)Every successful candidate will be provided certificate of merit.
iii)One among the two students from the participating centres will be provided medal
iv)One student in each section from all the centres will be provided memento.